The Raymond Wood Podcast

The Brief:

As an ex-coach for major UK football teams including Leicester, Liverpool, PSG and having worked on the EPPP for the English Premier League, Raymond Wood has made it his mission to help young Australian players improve their game and find professional pathways to the European Leagues. 

Ray hired us to record and produce his podcast, as he interviews a series of top-tier guests, from pro players and coaches to professional mindset coaches and sports nutrition experts.

What We Delivered:

Ray records multiple podcast episodes a month in our Milton studio, with some of his guests recording in-house and others joining from around the world via link-ups. We record the podcast in audio and video format, then edit the conversations for clarity. We upload the episodes, adding titles, episode descriptions and ad breaks. Our director, Nick Robinson, has even got behind the mic to host an episode interviewing Ray Wood about his program. 


At the end of series one, we’re delighted with this fascinating podcast and the high-calibre guests from the football world that we’re seeing come through our doors. Looking forward to many more episodes and interesting conversations in future!